I love UK and travelling, so last weekend we spent in a beautiful Winchester - ancient Capital of Wessex, the County Town of Hampshire, England.
Winchester is the England’s ancient capital and former seat of King Alfred the Great.
It’s the burial place of many of England’s Kings, Queens, Saints, and famous people such as Jane Austen, Izaac Walton and Keats.
Winchester is packed with historic buildings, monuments and museums - all within a short walking distance of each other and just waiting to be explored.
Why not spend a few days exploring this vibrant city, right?
RUS: Я люблю Великобританию и путешествовать, поэтому прошлые выходные мы провели в замечательном городе Винчестер (Winchester), в одном из самых древних городов Великобритании. В 9 в. король Альфред Великий сделал его своей столицей в королевстве Уэссекс.
В наше время город привлекает путешественников старинной историей - Большим залом, построенным еще в 1234 году, где, согласно легендам, находился Круглый стол короля Артура и где собирались все рыцари Круглого стола.
This is a list of "what to see" in Winchester:
RUS: Вот список всего, что нужно увидеть:
RUS: Вот список всего, что нужно увидеть:
1. Winchester Cathedral
Magnificent building with more than 1000 years of history, the longest medieval Cathedral. True beauty.
2. The City Cross
3.The ancient High Street.
4. Godbegot House.
5. The Eclipse Inn
This was once the rectory of the small but ancient church of St. Lawrence which is just round the corner by the City Cross.
6. The Westgate.
1500 years ago Roman city gate good there. The present gate is about 600 years old.
7. Castle Hall
The Great Hall was built between 1222 and 1236 for Henry III. High on the west wall is the round table, made of oak and 18th in diameter.
8. The Deanery
9. Cheyney Court
The great English novelist and clergyman's dauhter died here in 1817 aged 42 years.
12. Winchester College
Founded in 1382, the College has the longest unbroken history of any English school.
13.Wolvesley Castle
Winchester city mill is powered by the fast-flowing River Itchen, which can be seen passing underneath, thrilling our visitors. Rebuilt in 1743 on the site of a medieval mill, it remained in use until the early 20th century.
15. King Alfred's Statue
It commemorates the death in 899 of the great Saxon King Alfred the Great. Winchester was Alfred's capital.
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