Every winter it is the same: my skin gets dry, my lips chap. Cold temperatures, indoor heat and winds can dry your skin.
My first TOP 5 product is Hydraluron - moisture boosting facial serum. It contains a pure form of hyaluronic acid, an incredibly hydrating ingredient that holds up to 1,000 times its weight in water.
The skin on your hands is thinner than on most parts of the body and has fewer oil glands. That’s why it can be so hard to keep your hands moist, especially when the weather is working against you. And here is my second TOP 5 - hand cream from Crabtree&Evelyn - Avocado/Olive/Basil Hand Therapy.
The first thing most of us do when our lips feel dry is lick them in order to feel comfortable again. But the benefit is temporary and can end up drying and irritating lips even more. Apply a good quality lip balm regularly, when you are indoors and especially when you go out. Look for those based on vegetable oils and waxes and without unnecessary preservatives (which can irritate the delicate skin around your mouth) My favourite Lip Balm is from Burt's Bees and its my third TOP 5.
For extra moist I like to use Face masks - Lush Brazened Honey is my favourite right now.
Last but not least Body lotion - Charity Pot from Lush.
Каждую зиму моя кожа становится сухой, губы потрескавшимися, руки сохнут, чувствуется нехватка увлажнения даже для моей комбинированной, склонной к сухости кожи, но у меня есть 5 продуктов, которые не раз меня спасали и о них я рассказываю в видео:
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