Autumn Favourites | Фавориты осени

Autumn is my favourite season, to find out what products were my favourite one, check my new video with English Subtitles out:

Осень - это мое любимое время года, а для того, чтобы узнать что я любила этой осенью, проходи по ссылке:

Weekly VLOG #13 | Недельный влог #13

London is preparing for Christmas,  start your journey with me:
В Лондоне вовсю идет подготовка к Рождеству, приглашаю вас в путешествие рождественскому, но все еще осеннему Лондону:

Secret of SHINY hair | Секрет БЛЕСТЯЩИХ волос

All girls want to have shiny hair and it's easy to achieve if you know hair structure. Our hair strands are not so smooth, actually they look like cone because of the cuticles layers. Each cuticles overlaps another like shingles. And the smoother the hair cuticles, the more light it reflects.
How to close the hair cuticles and add shine? Watch in my video with English Subtitles:

If you don't like all that recipes you can choose shampoo which has ingredients to get your hair more shiny. Use shampoo which has fresh lemon juice, because acidity causes the hair cuticles lie flat, meaning they reflect more light. 

Try Cynthia Sylvia Stout £4.50 for 100g which contains Stout and Fresh Organic Lemon Juice or  Rehab £5.50 p for 100g which has Freshly Juiced PapayaFresh Pineapple Juice, Fresh Mango Juice, Fresh Kiwi Juice and lots of goodness. 

Все хотят иметь блестящие, красивые и здоровые волосы. Что только девушки не делают,  чтоб заставить волосы выглядеть шелковыми и сияющими, но для того чтобы заставить волосы блестеть нужно знать маленькую хитрость о строении волоса.
Подробнее в моем видео:
Если вы не любитель всех этих рецептов, то тогда используйте шампуни с лимонный  или другим соком, как некоторые шампуни Lush.

HJ Manicure Autumn/Winter ’14 Collection Launch

HJ Manicure released some new colours at their AW'14 press event which I recently attended. Event was hosted by Orico London.

Friendly atmosphere, complimentary manicure and lots of healthy snacks: never fried, never baked, popped potato chips from Popchips, super - hydrating Vita Coco coconut water, natural Viva Drinks and delicious super - food truffles from Sweet Virtues.

About HJ Manicure.

HJ Manicure is a luxurious boutique toxin-free nail care range has been set up by a model/session manicurist, Helen J, without the use of Toluene, Formaldehyde, Dibutylphtalate (DBP), Formaldehyde Resin and Camphor (5 Free). 


Double Duty Top and Base coat
16 colours in the core range
4 new additions for A/W'14

Lovely colours, quick drying (really quick!), with long lasting and professional quality formula, highly recommended to buy :)
HJ Manicure's 5-free nail polishes are available from the HJ Manicure website priced at £9.50 each for a 15 mL bottle.
As event was hosted by Orico London I had a chance to have a look at their skincare range. I really liked their Body Oil: 100% natural, rich in vitamins and with fantastic mandarin smell. So nourishing I wish I had a sample of it.

It was lovely evening, thanks to Helen from HJ Manicure for goody bag with HJ Manicure polishes and thanks to Rebecca from RGPR for the invitation to the event.

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